Home Selling Academy

My Account

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_299trial4999fee)]
You paid $2.99 for a 10-day trial and will be automatically charged $49.99 on the 10th day unless you cancel your membership before then.[/s2If]

[s2Eot /]

*Please note, due to a system limitation your account may expire after one year.  If you need access to your account after one year, you can email us and we will extend your account.  Thanks for understanding our approach to only fixing problems that need to be fixed.  :-)

Update Your Account Information +

[s2Member-Profile /]

Update Your Billing Information +

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form update="1" desc="Update your billing information." default_country_code="US" captcha="0" /]

Cancel Your Membership +

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form cancel="1" desc="This will cancel your account. Are you sure?" unsub="0" captcha="0" /]

Request A Refund +

We are sorry you are considering this option.  Refund requests can be made by telephone and require a verbal confirmation.  Please call toll free (855) 650-3726 to request your refund today.